This unique ministry offers spiritual support and coping skills through group sessions held during the summer, to members chronic health conditions, who desire to remain active in other areas of church ministries.
Together, we can do anything through Christ who strengthens us.
is a ministry for older adults helping them to continue being socially active and spiritually aware even as they experience the lifestyle changes that are typical with aging.
Through Breaktime, seniors gather twice a month for activities centered around recreation, health and physical exercise. For people who devote their time assisting the sick and disabled.
Caregivers offer monthly education and support meetings to assist participants in taking care of themselves.
uses relevant forms of marketing approaches and media support to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and promote church ministries and programs. The media component serves the congregation by providing recordings of worship services upon request and is also responsible for the church's sound system and operations.
are more than just servants who stand at the door and greet worshippers entering the sanctuary. They make the difference in whether worshippers enter anticipating an uplifting, life-changing experience or an experience that falls short of their expectations.
Most of all, greeters help set the tone for visitors and members alike to feel welcomed and accepted even among strangers.
Greeters are the first persons that visitors and members see just before they enter the sanctuary to worship God, fellowship with others and receive the ministry of music, prayer and God's word.
specializes in the care and support needed in times of sorrow.
Each quarter, Grief Management and Compassion sponsors a combination worship service and workshop primarily to aid, but not limited to, participants experiencing the loss of someone close to them and the terminally ill.
Support upon request is also available on a continual basis long after the rituals are performed.
sponsors activities throughout the year that promote health education and raises awareness about contemporary health-related issues.
This ministry also advocates preventative measures that lead to healthy living.
Periodically screenings and wellness checkups are offered to members and the public.
During the worship experience, this ministry leads the congregation in welcoming visitors.
The Hospitality Ministry also serves the church family during times of fellowship gatherings, church-wide events and special needs of the congregation.
This ministry is essential to making every meal event a special one where the food and the fellowship together meet the physical and spiritual needs of those who participate.
To enhance and enrich the marital bond, this ministry spearheads fellowships for married couples and persons whose relationships are on the pathway to join together as husband and wife.
The fellowships also feature opportunities for couples to openly dialogue about married life, while at the same time couples are strengthened by the testimonies and experiences of fellow couples.
Helping couples experience growth, fulfillment and enjoyment in marriage.
At Metropolitan, we want men to have an “AIR” about themselves. Although we live in challenging times and since much continues to be studied, written, broadcasted, discussed preached and believed about life’s challenges confronting the African-American male, we still believe:
- Men of God can live lives that are Accountable.
- Men of God can uphold the principles of Integrity.
- Men of God are to encourage each other to be Responsible.
This ministry is devoted to encouraging and equipping men to take on issues and opportunities where accountability, integrity and responsibility can be our influence. These attributes will also be our testimony in the areas of spirituality, family, employment, education and health.
That can only happen when men:
- are grounded in their relationship with God;
- embrace the teachings of Scripture on salvation, discipleship, leadership and service;
- are maturing in spiritual disciplines such as prayer, worship, evangelism, service and stewardship;
- experience the strength of consistent fellowship and interaction with each other.
National Baptist Convention of America, Inc. Affiliation:
We support:
- deepening the spirituaity of men,
- leading the lost to Christ,
- promoting religious intelligence and
- cultivating Christian fellowship.
The AIR of Distinction Men’s Ministry is committed to encouraging, sharpening and challenging the men of this church to be that testimony of spiritual faith so that we will realize our fullest potential as individuals and as a ministry.
serves a variety of needs of people in nursing homes, hospitals, shelters and the sick and shut-in.
Members of the mission and brotherhood share their time, material resources and themselves individually and through group projects.
This ministry also routinely provides transportation for the elderly to various appointments.
Matthew 25:30-40 "..whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
"It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth forever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the LORD; So that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud: for the glory of the LORD had filled the house of God," II Chron. 5:13-14.
The music ministry leads the congregation in exalting our God and lifting up the name of Jesus through traditional and contemporary gospel, praise and worship singing, hymns and spirituals.
Choirs of The Music Ministry
- Sanctuary Choir
- Young Adults
- Women's Group
- Men's Group
Interpretive, modern and liturgical are the dance forms of the Praise Dance Ministry. This creative expression of worship is an enhancement to the overall worship experience. Whether it’s an illustrative expression to recorded music or the live, dynamic music ministry of the choir, in praise dancing, the words to the song seem to come to life, touching the emotions and ministering in this art form.
Open to all ages.
is committed to supporting and encouraging the advancement of students as they near high school graduation and post high school studies.
The ministry emphasizes and assists high school seniors and college students with financial obligations in their pursuit of higher education or vocational training.
Students who are interested in being considered for a scholarship are encouraged to contact the Scholarship Ministry prior to graduation.
Members who are part of this ministry greet worshippers, making every attempt to help them feel welcome and at ease. Ushers also will escort members and guests to their seats, distribute materials such as bulletins and handouts, direct worshippers as the congregation worships the Lord in giving and are charged with maintaining alertness for any emergency that may arise.
Now more than ever women need to mature in areas that matter most if we are to accomplish our purpose in life. Our emotional well-being, our spiritual lives and the strength of our relationships constantly beckons for attention. And to ignore any or all three robs us of the wholeness in God we should relentlessly strive to pursue.
Given today’s challenges faced by women of all walks of life, our Women’s Ministry is uniquely positioned to:
- Support and motivate each other to pursue the most intimate relationship with God that is possible.
- Assist each other to effectively relate and influence others in relationships we encounter on a regular basis i.e. family, church, places of employment and community.
- Encourage each other to assertively confront and overcome attitudes, insecurities and obstacles aimed at diminishing our emotional strength and stability.
The Women's Ministry is an exciting and inspirational fellowship. Join us. Connect with other women to conquer the challenges yet experience the joys of life in Jesus Christ.
New Generation Young Adult Ministry is founded on vision, purpose and service.
Our Vision
We see ourselves as emerging leaders in the church and our communities.
Our PurposeWe are a ministry that is devoted to reaching out and connecting with other young adults ages 18 to 40 in and outside of Metropolitan. We will grow as a ministry and in fellowship with one another.
Our Service
Most of us are fresh off being teens ourselves. We know the challenges teens face although some challenges are unique to their generation. Nevertheless, we will establish a rapport with teens to mentor them and help them cope with issues and concerns. Mentoring teens will better help them make the transition to young adulthood.
That’s why our gathering features a casual, contemporary atmosphere. The Bible study is life-changing and awesome, yet thought provoking. No passive listening in this setting. You can ask questions and discuss topics while the Scriptures come to life.
- Awesome, life-changing Bible study – Every second Sunday, immediately after 9:30 a.m. worship, Church Fellowship Hall
- Casual, contemporary fellowship – Every fourth Sunday, 5 p.m., off-site location that rotates monthly
- Collaborative partner with other church ministries on churchwide programs and events held throughout the year
- Enthusiastic community outreach and social events throughout the year
Young Warriors 4 Christ (YW4C) is the ministry that is open to children and teens of this church and in the community who are 18 years and younger.
YW4C excites the kind of expression towards God that is worshipful and energetic. That energy is contagious as YW4Cers show they eagerness to give and receive more from God as they serve and learn. Through YW4C, children and teens are excited about age-appropriate biblical teaching, worship and ministry opportunities.
All of it work together to encourage this generation of active, committed young people to grow spiritually and become the maturing disciples God desires.
YW4C also partners with parents to bring their children into spiritual maturity.
YW4C experiences God by:
- Reaching our peers through evangelism
- Cultivating spiritual disciplines
- Equipping each other through discipleship
- Proclaiming Christ through worship
- Serving the commmunity