New to MMBC
First Visit
Pastor Wallace S. Hartsfield, II and the Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church fellowship look forward to your visit anytime our church doors are open. Whenever you visit us for worship, we want you to do more than just feel welcomed. No doubt we want you to experience a warm and friendly atmosphere. Most of all, we pray that you will be open to the Spirit of God and allow the ministry of prayers, music and God’s word to meet you where you are and yet intensify a desire for a closer relationship with Him.
New Believer
What’s missing in your life? Strong family relationships? Job security? Financial stability? Healthy social circles? A better sense of direction? All of these are important. But none are more important than a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
All of the above life experiences can occupy a space in your life. The question you must honestly ask yourself is “do they possess the capacity to genuinely fill the void within your heart. Or are the experiences in your life artificial and on the surface, at best.
If you have finally reached the conclusion that nothing you’ve experienced so far has satisfied the deepest longing of your heart – that is, the longing for acceptance, to know your purpose and to be the better person you know you have the potential to be – then be encouraged. That’s right! You are exactly where you should be to receive what God has to offer you. And what God has is designed to last a lifetime
New Members
Welcome! You have chosen to unite with us and as a new member it’s natural to wonder “Where do I start?” God desires that we live in right relationship not only with Him, but also with others. It is especially important that Christian believers connect with each other. One of the most essential ways to do that is through church membership.
After you have made a confession of faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ, you have taken the first important step in establishing a relationship with God. You also now have identity with the Church, the body of Christ. That identity becomes your public testimony when you are baptized.
If you have already made the confession of faith, were at one time a member of another church and now would like to join Metropolitan, then your membership would be received as "Christian Experience."
Members who desire to be restored at Metropolitan have been absent and inactive from the fellowship for a certain length of time. Metropolitan has no set time but at least six months could be used as a reference point. What matters most is your return.
Members who join under "Watch Care" are generally those who temporarily reside in greater Kansas City such as college students, those in the military or on temporary work assignments. You retain your membership at your home church and fellowship with Metropolitan as long as you are living in the city.
God has created each of us with potential and abilities to seek opportunities to serve in the church. This is why it’s important that new members and believers become active in the larger community of believers.